
  • Monty makes the extraordinary look simple. If the Future, he has his finger on its pulse and knows how to help others see quickly the important trends that will impact all our business lives.

    Prof. Dr. Charles Savage
  • Monty is a captivating & energetic speaker who can draw in his audience instantly.

    Philipp Encz - Co-Head of Global Corporate PR at SIEMENS
  • He is a truly engaged and great speaker. Monty has an ability to look at complex problems from a different and innovative point of view. He engages his audience with his insight, passion and a dash of humor, challenging us to seek out the important goals and care for them in a direct and thoughtful way.

    Gregor Bieler - General Manager at MICROSOFT
  • Success in our business hinges much on timely quality introductions coupled with a deep understanding of the technology and services in our sight. Monty excels on both counts and in the process is terrific.

    Andreas Wuerfel - Director Innovation at Deutsche Telekom USA