
Baidu schlägt Google in China

Unser Team in China hat einen spannenden Artikel über eine aktuelle Studie des Such-Maschinen Marktes in China zusammen gestellt. Hier geht es zum Beitrag:
China Search Engine Snapshot.
Study Baidu - Search Engine
„…According to online market research company iResearch, Baidu now aacounts for nearly 61% of search engine traffic in China, followed by Google with nearly 24% and Yahoo China just over 10%. Quarter after quarter, Google and Baidu have both been exceeding their China-based earnings targets, sending analysts scrambling to predict new ones. Over the past three months, Baidu’s 2008 forecast has gone up from USD 3.60 to USD 4.02 a share. Google’s 2008 consensus has risen from USD 19.49 to USD 20.59 a share….“