
Auto 2.0 – der Boom der Elektro Autos.

$200 Millionen US Dollar für Elektro-Autos?
Shai Agassi, angehender CEO von SAP macht sich nun mit einem StartUp selbständig. Sein Konzept kann das traditionelle Automobil-Geschäft ins wanken bringen.

Via Business Week and AlarmClock.

Shai Agassi startled everyone at SAP when he left the company. Only 39 years old, Agassi was expected to some day take over the helm at SAP. At his departure from SAP Agassi indicated that he would be focusing on alternative energy in Israel.

Shai AgassiNow news is breaking that Agassi has raised $200M for his startup called Better Place. The startup has raised $100M from Israel Corp. as well as funding from VantagePoint Venture Partners, a large New York investment bank that wasn’t immediately identified, and angel investors including Edgar Bronfman Sr.

Agassi plans are to shake up the business model for electric vehicles. It will sell or lease electric cars to consumers in packages with monthly service fees (Agassi uses the cell phone plan as an analogy). Better Place will also operate networks of charging locations and service stations. One of the problems with electric vehicles is that you can’t make it too far from your home base before you run out of juice. Better Place stations will just replace your battery so you can get on your way. Agassi plans to pilot the project in a few countries next year and begin mass deployments in 2010.


Tokyo Trend Tour

Gestern endete die Trend Tour in Tokyo.

Unser Team in Tokyo hat ihr bestes gegeben und eine top Tour organisiert.
Jeder Tag überraschte mit vielen interessanten Terminen, Experten Gesprächen und

Kurzum es war inspirierend und spannend.


Jaiku von Google übernommen

Jyri, ich wünsche viel Erfolg und alles Gute. Jaiku hat heute bekannt gebenen, dass Google das Unternehmen übernimmt. Der Gründer Jyri wird vorraussichtlich aufgrund der Zusammenarbeit nach San Francisco ziehen um das Unternehmen weiter auszubauen.

Und wieder zeigt sich, dass spannende Unternehmen nicht unbedingt in USA gelegen sein müssen. Auf die Idee und die Umsetzung kommt es an.

Jyri kommentierte die Übernahmen auf seinem Micro-Blogging Feed:

We’re joining Google because we see big potential in what we’re doing – potential that we want to realize as services that our Jaiku users love, and other mobile and Internet users too. We’re not planning to disappear: you know we use Jaiku to communicate with many of the people that are personally dear to us. While it’s too soon to comment on specific products and our development plans, we honestly believe that together with the engineers who we’ve befriended at Google we can build great new things that we couldn’t do alone.

Via Jaiku:

Google acquires Jaiku.

Jaiku is joining Google. While it’s too soon to comment on specific plans, we look forward to working with our new friends at Google over the coming months to expand in ways we hope you’ll find interesting and useful. Our engineers are excited to be working together and enthusiastic developers lead to great innovation. We look forward to accomplishing great things together. In order to focus on innovation instead of scaling, we have decided to close new user sign-ups for now.

But fear not, all our Jaiku services will stay running the way you are used to and you will be able to invite your friends to Jaiku. We have put together a quick Q&A about the acquisition.

Jyri Engeström and Petteri Koponen, Jaiku Founders.


Willkommen zu SMS 2.0

3jam SMS 2.0 USAEin weltweiter Markt von über 60 Milliarden USD steht vor dem Wandel. Mit „SMS 2.0“ versucht ein amerikanisches StartUp den Markt zu revolutionieren.

Via Diana und Rocco von PavingWays.

Letzte Woche kündigte 3jam und Virgin Mobile Ihre Partnerschaft an. Virgin Mobile vermarktet die Zusammenarbeit sehr aktiv und erhofft sich neue Umsatzpotentiale.

Was ist 3jam?
Andy Jagoe und Enlai Chu entwickelten im Jahr 2005 eine neue Art der „Text-Mitteilungen“ für Handys – oder einfacher gesagt „SMS 2.0“. Die Lösung optimiert die Nutzung von Text-Mitteilungen und ermöglicht den Versand und das Management von Gruppen (Familie, Freunde usw.)

How does the 3jam service via Virgin Mobile works?
The Virgin Mobile customers have first to sign up on the menu of Virgin Mobile’s WAP deck or at they can start sending SMS to any number of friends simultaneously. The receipients of the SMS can reply to all at once.

How big is the market for SMS?
For this year Informa analysts suggest the value of global SMS traffic at 60 Billion USD; Gartner forcasts 1.8 Trillion USD by 2010.

In the US we already talked to some carriers and most of them are pretty interested in partnerships with service developers, since they can help them to attract more customers and also increase their ARPU.

Currently, 3jam is building a global service for transiting, billing and clearing multi-party SMS messages. They are also working on some new features.